
Where Are They Now? Laura Gilbert

Laura Gilbert has always been a caring person. “Even as a kid, if there was an animal or another child younger than me, I always wanted to nurture them,” she said. “I always wanted to take away the pain, kiss the booboos, make the bad things go away.”

The job of Job

Sunbeams danced in the sparse clouds in the blue sky above. The song of the Chiffchaff could be heard in the scrub bushes nearby. Under a palm tree sat a figure, thin and somewhat pale for the common bronze bodies of those spending much time in the sun. Coming closer to the man, he sat in ashes, covered only in a long loin cloth, bare from his waist up. His exposed body revealed multitudinous sores, boils that seemed to cover his entire physic. With a piece of broken pottery, he scraped and scratched those that itched.

Wise Love

Isaiah 55:8: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “God chose you out of love and not wisdom, but he reveals his wisdom by his love,” said Evangelist David as he shared the word of God.

Berrys Picks

Fortunately, we are getting some moisture and relief from the drought conditions. The rain has been good for our fields, but also good for weeds. In some areas due to the drought, we have thin strands of perennial grasses; this has left lots of open ground and opportunities for both annual and perennial weeds. Three of the most problematic hard to control perennial summer weeds are: bull nettles, silver leaf nightshade, and Carolina horse nettle. All three of these are very difficult to control. However, your best chances for control are during the flowering stage which is right now. Flowering stage will typically start now and run for about the next month.

Fenceline Chatter

Tips for easier mowing and keeping lawns lush Pablo Agustin Boeri, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service turfgrass specialist, shares tips for homeowners to make mowing as pleasant as possible this spring. The right mower matters The kind of mower you use can make or break your mowing habits.

Thursday Club celebrates 126th Anniversary

The Dublin Woman’s Thursday Club celebrated their 126th anniversary with an outing on April 25. Fifteen members enjoyed this field trip.

A Myth understanding

In the South, we believed with all of our hearts what we were told when we were children. Even if it was wrong.

Christ Forever

“Nothing lasts forever …” a cliché statement that defines anything made by man. It is true; what we make will eventually fail. Our metal is subject to rust, or to wear out after continued use. Our clothing will become thin over time and will eventually give way to holes. That’s why I am very leery of computer-controlled, selfdriving vehicles. Iworkoncomputers. If they didn’t wear out and come to an end there would be no need for my job. I don’t want a computercontrolled vehicle, hurtling down the road at high speed in my direction to suddenly fail because of a computer malfunction. Not a good situation. Tires get old and blow out. Machines short-circuit and fail. Everything man makes, regardless how good it may be, will eventually become faulty.

Silencing the roaring lion

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 NIV) The roaring of the lion is being heard loud and clear on our college campuses. The only thing that will silence our enemy is prayer and spiritual warfare, in word and deed. Otherwise, the devil may devour a whole generation of future leaders.

Comanche Extension Agent Michael Berry

Fertilizing and Mowing Your Turfgrass Most of our turfgrasses are trying to green-up, but a lot of what you are seeing is various winter grasses. We will need some warmer nights to really get the turfgrasses going. It seems like we have had cooler nights and days in April than we did in March. While the cool nights are slowing growth most are starting to green up, so it is time to plan your first fertilizer application.