Your paper thanks you



  • Your paper thanks you

    Your paper thanks you

    Your paper thanks you

In honor of National Newspaper Week, we wanted to say thanks to our readers for their support and trusting us to present the news of the Dublin community from week to week.

It can be a bit taxing. Wyndi and I spent our Saturday covering sports, the marching contest and several hours at the Hispanic Heritage Festival to both cover the event and help out the Chamber of Commerce if we could assist with any needs that arose.

It was a typical Saturday in that people in the news industry never have a typical day.

Any picture in the paper is often taken alongside dozens if not hundreds that have to be reviewed and sorted before being edited and tagged for print.

Stories require either attending an event of conducting an interview, which can take five minutes or multiple hours before we use our notes to write a story, communicating what we think is of the most interest and needs to our readership.

Since no two readers are alike, we fill our pages with coverage of local governing bodies, reports of legal issues and law enforcement duties, coverage of past and upcoming events, sports and feature stories of community members and their accomplishments.

It would be a lie to say that all news writers are keenly interested in everything they cover. If we were doing it for ourselves, we probably would pick our favorite categories and give others a pass.

However,agoodnewspaper shouldn’t reflect the interest of the people producing it. This is Dublin’s newspaper and we hope you agree that we reflect the diversity of the Dublin community.

We can’t always be everywhere but we try to be present as much as possible and report on everything we can. Always feel free to make suggestions. They will be considered The Citizen crew is glad to be part of the Dublin community. We put in a lot of hours, but you’re worth it.

—Paul Gaudette is the managing editor of the Dublin Citizen. He can be reached at